Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hate 'em now, Love 'em later

Today is the big day (for the Texans in the room). It's our turn to decide who we want. Is it gonna be Hilary or Obama? (on a side note: Republicans can take the day off because regardless of Huckabee's courage, the brother just isn't gonna make it.) The much anticipated primaries in Texas and Ohio are here and the Democratic Nomination may be on the line. I'm not a political guru and honestly I really don't care who wins the nomination because I don't like my choices either way. Hilary is a retread of Bill, except more annoying. And Obama looks great but his ideas are second in emptiness to Miss Teen South Carolina.

What I'm looking forward to is the loser speech. At some point in this whole fiasco we call politics the loser of the race will be forced to endorse the very person they have been attacking for months on end. If Hilary wins we will watch Obama gracefully "forget" that he has spent the last few months telling everyone that Hilary's ideas are old and ineffective and with the CHANGE banners still waving he will endorse the candidate who, at present, represents status quo. And if Obama wins Hilary will sing the praises of a man she currently derides as too inexperienced to run our nation.

But regardless of who wins today we are in for a great show. On the stage will be an actor ( see politician) and he/she will read the lines on the script with great emotion and zeal. And the audience (that's us) is expected to place their trust in a person whose opinions change with the wind.

So, in the words of the great Derek Webb, "You can trust the devil or a politician to be the devil or a politician but beyond that friends you best beware because at the Pentagon bar they're an inseparable pair. And as long as the lobbyists are payin' the bills we'll never have a Savior on Capitol Hill."


Unknown said...

I guess I better comment now as it may be awhile before another non-pro sports blog will be thrown our way(...and by "our way," I mean those of us who would remain immutable should the NBA & NFL implode). I second your candidate commentary. I add: Obama is a little too much of an African nationalist to be the president of America ( http://www.tucc.org/about.htm ), I believe Hillary set her sights on the chair BEHIND the oval office desk even before she registered Republicans at Wellesley and has hopped on and off bandwagons since then depending on which one would get her closer to the prize, and I think John McCain is a donkey in elephant skin. At the risk of being highly reductionistic, these are my thoughts....transparent, and hoping to further the conversation.

Mr. Transparent said...

Indeed, I find you characterizations trending toward the area of reductionism. Are you simply not going to vote? Or do you choose the lesser of these 3 evils?